174 items, ordered by date. Displaying page 1 of 4. Show on timeline Items per page: 25 | 50 | 100 | All
1. Comments from VW Benjamin, undated.
Comments on the absence of input from business, executive remuneration, separation of roles, application of the code to smaller listed companies and various aspects of auditing. Also includes comments on specific paragraphs.
Covers all aspects of report and follow up.
The letter has attached detailed suggested refinements when the code is applied to smaller quoted companies.
Expresses concern about tone and prescriptiveness of the report with regard to non-executive directors.
5. Nigel Macdonald's comments on the consultation responses, 24 September 1992
Covers full range of the report.
Davies, Arnold, Cooper proposes insurance for non-executive directors. Transparency International asks for support for its cause. Wilton proposes greater involvement of institutional shareholders.
7. Letter, dated 24 March 1992, from Sir Ron Dearing.
Main purpose of the Committee was to strengthen the position of the auditor and clarify the responsibilities of the directors. Two vulnerabilities identified were accountability to the worker and the small shareholder.
8. Letter, 7 July 1992, from JP Dobrowolski, Argos plc.
Comments on the role of internal auditors.
Includes comments on differentiation between executive and non-executive board members, role of auditors and non-audit fees. Memo from Nigel Peace included.
10. AC's [handwritten] notes on points made at a meeting to discuss Draft Report, undated.
The comments of individuals are marked by their initials.
Comments on potential for statements of conformity to become meaningless, possible progress to an international accounting regime and institutional shareholders, plus detailed comments.
12. Evidence submitted to the Committee prior to publication of draft report, 26 May 1992.
Lists organisations, companies and individuals who submitted evidence to the Committee, and meeting notes and published documents.
13. Letter from Sir Nicholas Goodison, TSB Group, 29 May 1992.
Letter expresses support for the draft report.
14. Letter, dated 31 May 1992, from Tony Morton and comments on the draft report.
Comments on voluntary nature of compliance, internal control systems and comments on specific paragraphs.
Reports the results of a survey. Auditors are least likely to benefit while non-executive directors benefit most. Responsibility for compliance lies with company management and institutional shareholders or Stock Exchange, while expresses doubts over self-regulation.
Letter welcomes the draft report and makes two suggestions for the final report.
17. Letter from Sir Ron Dearing, Financial Reporting Council, 4 June 1992
Further comments on the Committee's report, specifically the Code of Best Practice and auditors role.
18. Letter, dated 8 June 1992, from DJ Hughes with acknowledgement by Nigel Peace.
Comments that serious problems shareholders face, on remuneration committees and the Caparo case. Includes memo from Nigel Peace.
Suggests an additional entry on the form about directors understanding their duties.
Includes comments on audit committees, the role of auditors, board effectiveness and internal system controls.
21. Letter, dated 16 June 1992, from Stewart Douglas-Mann, Guinness Mahon & Co.
Comments on the wording re independence of non-executive directors.
Comments that fraud is very difficult to prevent and comments on non-executive directors and auditing, especially their resignation advice.
Comments on enforcement, adoption and efficacy, control structures, role of the board of directors, audit committees and director accountability.
24. Letter, dated 18 June 1992, Annual Report analysis from Jonathan Chaytor and FT article.
Comments on institutional investors, non-executive directors and internal auditors.
25. Letter, dated 23 June 1992, from Top Pay Research Group.
Comments on the provisions for non-executive directors to take advice and their roles and responsibilities, independence of auditors, directors' remuneration.
26. Letter, dated 24 June 1992, from EA Bradman.
Comments on voluntary nature of the code, non-executive directors, the role of audit committees, directors' contracts and the independence of auditors.
27. Letter, 24 June 1997, from Edward Adeane, Hambros and reply by Nigel Peace.
Seeks and gives clarification on the meaning of independent in relation to non-executive directors.
This is a workshop exercise on the role of the directors in Eurotunnel delivered at the ICAEW conference . It is used to comment on unitary boards, separation of roles of Chairman and Chief Executive, non-executive directors and institutional investors.
29. Letter, dated 29 June 1992, from Richard Brown, the Association of British Chambers of Commerce.
Comments on the application of the code to smaller companies.
30. Letter, dated 30 June 1992, from Jane E Lyon, Union of Independent Companies.
Comments on the application of the code to smaller companies.
31. Letter and comments, dated 30 June 1992, from Tim Knowles.
Comments on non-executive directors, financial reporting, auditing and institutional shareholders.
Hirst expresses concern about the suggestion that non-executive directors should only serve on one board.
33. Letter, dated 1 July 1992, from AR Threadgold, POSTEL.
Comments on separation of roles of Chairman and Chief Executive, independent non-executive directors and directors service contracts and the independence of auditors.
Legal Practice Directorate Memorandum no. 271. It comments on the application of the code to smaller companies.
35. Letter, dated 2 July 1992, from JJLG Sheffield, Norcros.
Comments on potential for two-tier boards, non-executive directors entitlement to take independent professional advice, internal control systems and going concern.
An invitation to make a presentation about the draft report to an evening meeting open to all company secretaries.
37. Letter, dated 3 July 1992, from AC Bryant, Bryant Group.
Comments on non-executive directors vs directors and audit committees.
38. Letter, dated 3 July 1992, from Dermot Glynn, NERA and presentation, dated June 1992.
Includes a paper on European accounting, audit independenc and regulation.
39. Letter, 5 July 1992, from AL Hempstead.
Comments on lack of audited accounts for a fund managed by the Nationwide Building Society.
Comments on the role of the company secretary in corporate governance and directors' access to information.
Suggests appointing an 'audit trustee' appointed by lenders and creditors rather than the board.
42. Letter, 7 July 1992, from RJ Alexander, London and Manchester Group plc.
Author suggests that an 'Appointed Accountant' with responsibility for preparing financial reports, should be employed.
43. Letter, 7 July 1992, and comments from TJ Grove.
Comments on appearing to be written with best interests of directors, and aspects of auditing.
44. Letter, 7 July 1992, from Swiss Bank Corporation.
Comments on the delegation of powers by the board to the subcommittees.
45. Letter, 7 July 1992, from John Lavery and Simon Pallett, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic.
Comments on self-regulatory approach, separation of roles of Chairman and Chief Executive and non-executive directors, directors' remuneration and financial reporting.
46. Letter, 8 July 1992, from DEF Green.
Comments on independence of auditors, audit committees and non-executive directors.
47. Letter, 8 July 1992, from Michael Jackaman, Allied Lyons plc.
Letter informs that Allied Lyons complies with the code although the appointmentof non-executive directors is informal and would prefer a voluntary code.
48. Letter, 8 July 1992 from AG Biggart.
Comments on involvement of non-executive directors in strategic direction of companies.
Comments mostly on the role of employees.
50. Letter, 9 July 1992, from Stanley Kalms, Dixons.
Warns against a prescriptive approach, that effectively promotes two-tier boards.